The Minimal Waste Manual (MWM) is an illustrated guide to what is in our waste and what to do with it. The manual specifically targets AUB offices because of the excess daily waste produced within those spaces. We define offices as spaces belonging to departments, centers, and institutes. This excludes cafeterias, labs, restrooms, and the gymnasium. The manual is grounded in research and months-long sorting experiments. The main objective is to identify and characterize the waste, and offer ways to manage it practically. We emphasize on reduction and encourage refusing, reusing, repurposing, and recycling/composting. We also provide a list of Do’s and Don’ts that will come in handy in an office set-up. This manual aligns with AUB’s vision of education and civic responsibility, and establishes a solid ground for all of us to be guardians of nature; starting from our own campus and moving beyond.