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Browsing Center For Advanced Mathematical Sciences by Issue Date

Browsing Center For Advanced Mathematical Sciences by Issue Date

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  • "Olofsson, Johan"; "Thébault, Philippe"; "Kral, Quentin"; "Bayo, Amelia"; "Boccaletti, Anthony"; "Godoy, Nicolas"; "Henning, Th"; "van Holstein, Rob G."; "Maucó, Karina"; "Milli, Julien"; "Montesinos, Matías A."; "Rein, Hanno"; "Sefilian, Antranik A." (Oxford University Press, )
    "The vertical structure of debris discs provides clues about their dynamical evolution and the collision rate of the unseen planetesimals. Thanks to the ever-increasing angular resolution of contemporary instruments and ...
  • "Bonetti, Federico"; "Klemm, Dietmar Silke"; "Sabra, Wafic A."; "Sloane, Peter" (Springer Verlag, )
    "Killing spinor identities relate components of equations of motion to each other for supersymmetric backgrounds. The only input required is the field content and the supersymmetry transformations of the fields, as long ...
  • "Gentile, Lorenzo G.C."; "Grassi, Pietro Antonio"; "Marrani, Alessio"; "Mezzalira, Andrea"; "Sabra, Wafic A." (Elsevier, )
    "We analyze the fermionic wigging of 1/2-BPS (electric) extremal black hole attractors in N=2, D = 5 ungauged Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories, by exploiting anti-Killing spinors supersymmetry transformations. ...
  • "Kachmar, Ayman"; "Lotoreichik, Vladimir Yu" (Springer, )
    "We consider the magnetic Robin Laplacian with a negative boundary parameter on a bounded, planar C2-smooth domain. The respective magnetic field is homogeneous. Among a certain class of domains, we prove that the disk ...
  • "Dunajski, Maciej"; "Gutowski, Jan B."; "Sabra, Wafic A." (Institute of Physics Publishing, )
    "We show that a class of solutions of minimal supergravity in five dimensions is given by lifts of three-dimensional Einstein-Weyl structures of hyper-CR type. We characterise this class as most general near-horizon limits ...
  • "Grover, Jai"; "Gutowski, Jan B."; "Sabra, Wafic A." (Springer Verlag, )
    "It has been proven in arXiv:1303.0853 that all regular supersymmetric near-horizon geometries in minimal five-dimensional gauged supergravity admit automatic supersymmetry enhancement. Using this result, the integrability ...
  • "Sabra, Wafic A."; "Vaughan, Owen" (Elsevier B.V., )
    "We construct a 5D, N=2 Euclidean theory of supergravity coupled to vector multiplets. Upon reducing this theory over a circle we recover the action of 4D, N=2 Euclidean supergravity coupled to vector multiplets. © 2016 ...
  • "Farhat, Mohammad A."; "Sefilian, Antranik A."; "Touma, Jihad R." (Oxford University Press, )
    "Debris disc architecture presents [exo-]planetary scientists with precious clues for processes of planet formation and evolution, including constraints on planetary mass perturbers. This is particularly true of the disc ...
  • "Sabra, Wafic A." (Elsevier B.V., )
    "In ungauged supergravity theories, the no-force condition for BPS states implies the existence of stable static multi-centered solutions. The first solutions to Einstein–Maxwell theory with a positive cosmological constant ...
  • "Gutowski, Jan B."; "Sabra, Wafic A." (Institute of Physics Publishing, )
    "The techniques of spinorial geometry are used to classify solutions admitting Killing spinors in the theory of minimal anti-de Sitter N = 2, D = 4 supergravity, where the gauge kinetic term comes with the opposite sign. ...
  • "Sabra, Wafic A."; "Vaughan, Owen" (Institute of Physics Publishing, )
    "We dimensionally reduce the bosonic sector of 10D Euclidean type IIA supergravity over a Calabi-Yau three-fold. The resulting theory describes the bosonic sector of 4D, = 2 Euclidean supergravity coupled to vector- and ...
  • "Grover, Jai"; "Gutowski, Jan B."; "Papadopoulos, George"; "Sabra, Wafic A." (Springer Verlag, )
    "We prove that the near-horizon geometries of minimal gauged five-dimensional supergravity preserve at least half of the supersymmetry. If the near-horizon geometries preserve a larger fraction, then they are locally ...
  • "Sabra, Wafic A." (Elsevier B.V., )
    "We construct N=2 four and five-dimensional supergravity theories coupled to vector multiplets in various space–time signatures (t,s), where t and s refer, respectively, to the number of time and spatial dimensions. The ...
  • "Dunajski, Maciej"; "Gutowski, Jan B."; "Sabra, Wafic A." (Elsevier B.V., )
    "We construct a new class of solutions to the dispersionless hyper-CR equation, and show how any solution to this equation gives rise to a supersymmetric Einstein–Maxwell cosmological space–time in (3+1)-dimensions. © 2018 ...
  • "Sabra, Wafic A." (Elsevier, )
    "We study metric solutions of Einstein-anti-Maxwell theory admitting Killing spinors. The analogue of the IWP metric which admits a space-like Killing vector is found and is expressed in terms of a complex function satisfying ...

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