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Performance Based Contracting for Hospitals in Lebanon

Show simple item record Barakat, Elise Khalife, Jade El-Jardali, Fadi 2025-02-03T07:58:49Z 2025-02-03T07:58:49Z 2018-03-21
dc.identifier.citation Barakat E, Khalife J, El-Jardali F. K2P Briefing Note: Performance Based Contracting for Hospitals in Lebanon. Knowledge to Policy (K2P) Center. Beirut, Lebanon; March 2018.
dc.description K2P Briefing Notes quickly and effectively advise policymakers and stakeholders about a pressing public issue by bringing together global research evidence and local evidence. K2P Briefing Notes are prepared to aid policymakers and other stakeholders in managing urgent public health issues. K2P Briefing Notes describe priority issues, synthesize context-specific evidence, and offer recommendations for action.
dc.description Text in English, with some text in Arabic
dc.description Includes bibliographical references (pages 23-26)
dc.description.abstract Around 87% of the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) budget is allocated for curative care, of which 79% is used to reimburse contracted hospitals. Such figures highlight the necessity to enhance the efficiency of MOPH spending. There has been significant investment in quality of healthcare in Lebanon, while limited information is available about health outcomes. Thus, reforming payment mechanisms is needed to ensure cost containment while improving quality of care and patient safety. Successful implementation of a P4P scheme aiming at improving outcomes of care at hospitals in Lebanon requires the following recommendations:→ Development of a hybrid contractual arrangement between MOPH and hospitals whereby the hospital reimbursement formula includes: 1) A proportion based on improved accreditation standards; 2) A proportion based on additional indicators retrieved from the hospitalization database of MOPH, including the Case Mix Index, readmission rate and patient satisfaction.→ Involvement of major stakeholders and communication of the program thoroughly and directly throughout its development, implementation, and evaluation phases.→ Provision of trainings for healthcare personnel at hospitals to lead and implement quality improvement initiatives since building their capacity is critical for successful implementation of P4P.
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Knowledge to Policy Center
dc.relation.ispartofseries K2P Briefing Note;
dc.subject.lcsh Hospitals--Lebanon
dc.subject.lcsh Medical care--Lebanon
dc.title Performance Based Contracting for Hospitals in Lebanon
dc.type Other
dc.contributor.department Knowledge to Policy Center
dc.subject.keywords Healthcare

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