An introductory analysis to general relativity, cosmology, and mimetic dark matter is provided. In chapter 3 where cosmology is discussed, the need of an inflationary theory is motivated. Inflation is showed to possibly solve the flatness problem and the horizon problem of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. Based on an exponential potential, a solution is obtained representing a scale factor of a matter-dominated universe satisfying the condition of inflation for some initial conditions. Furthermore, a more general potential is suggested that incorporates inflation too. Then, with this general potential, a solution to the 0-i perturbed Einstein’s differential equation that includes mimetic dark matter is provided in chapter 5. Finally, quantum perturbations are mentioned briefly. The constants involved in this model are tuned to be in agreement with the amplitude fluctuation of the CMB. Therefore, dark matter, inflation, and CMB can exist in one model without introducing any extra degrees of freedom.
Thesis. M.S. American University of Beirut. Department of Physics, 2015. T:6240
Advisor : Dr. Ali Chamseddine, Professor, Physics ; Members of Committee : Dr. Khalil Bitar, Professor, Physics ; Dr. Mounib Eid, Professor, Physics.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 52-55)