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دورا المتكلّم والمخاطب في التواصل الشفهيّ في كتاب سيبويه وأثرهما في تطوّر التراث النحويّ حتّى القرن الرابع

Show simple item record دية، هنادي رشيد 2017-08-30T14:31:07Z 2017-08-30T14:31:07Z 2016 2016
dc.identifier.other b18447995
dc.description أطروحة. دكتوراه. الجامعة الأميركية في بيروت. دائرة اللغة العربية ولغات الشرق الأدنى. 2016. D:17A.
dc.description Advisor : Dr. Ramzi Baalbaki, Professor, Arabic and Near Eastern Languages ; Members of Committee : Dr. David Wilmsen, Professor, Arabic and Near Eastern Languages ; Dr. Saleh Agha, Professor, Arabic and Near Eastern Languages ; Dr. Yassir Suleiman, Professor, Modern Arabic Studies, Kings College, University of Cambridge ; Dr. Georgine Ayoub, Professor, Institut National Des Langues et Civilizations Orientales.
dc.description يتضمن مراجع ببليوغرافية (ص. 304-310)
dc.description.abstract تقدم هذه الرسالة طرحين رئيسين، أوّلهما أنّ للمتكلّم والمخاطب دورًا في نظريّة سيبويه النحويّة، وثانيهما أنّ لهذا الدور أثرًا في تطوّر التراث النحويّ العربيّ بعيدًا عن مقاربة سيبويه. وبناءًعليه، فإنّ البحث في هذه الرسالة يقع في قسمين: قسمٍ أوّل يُخصّص لدراسة دوري كلّ من المتكلم والمخاطب في الكتاب، وقسمٍ ثان يُخصّص لدراسة هذين الدروين في مصنّ
dc.description.abstract The present dissertation puts forward two main theses: The first advances a role for the speaker and the listener in Sībawayhi’s Grammatical Theory, and the second proposes that an impact of this role is evident in the development of the Arabic Grammatical Tradition and the consequent degeneration of Sībawayhi’s approach. For that, the present study is divided into two sections: A section dedicated for the study of the role of the speaker and the listener in Sībawayhi’s Kitāb, and another devoted for the study of this role in the works of subsequent grammarians and linguists of the 3rd and 4th centuries A.H. The study, in the first section, shows that Sībawayhi’s treatment of linguistic phenomena invoked the role of the speaker as an originator and arbiter of the utterance, as well as the role of the listener as a responsive recipient of this utterance. In this context, an in depth study of three linguistic phenomena is presented to show the role of the speaker as an arbiter in Sībawayhi’s Kitāb: Hysteron –Proteron (taqdimwata’khir), Supression (Idmār) and Latitude (Ittisā‘). A similar study of three concepts that constrain the role of the speaker is also offered: The concept of Ihāla (absurdity), Iltibās (confusion) and Ibhām (ambiguity). The study then tackles the role of the listener in Sībawayhi’s Kitāb and researches two modes of responses: the active mode, in which the listener exchanges roles with the speaker; and the passive mode where the listener relies on semantic and contextual clues to comprehend the speaker’s utterance. This section of the study concludes that Sībawayhi’s Grammatical Theory is founded on the premise that language originates from an interactive process between a speaker, an originator of the speech, and a listener, a recipient of this speech. As to the second section of this dissertation, the study traces the role of the speaker
dc.format.extent 1 online resource ( ورقة 143)
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Theses, Dissertations, and Projects
dc.subject.classification D:000017A
dc.subject.lcsh سيبويه، أبو بشر عمرو بن عثمان، -796. كتاب سيبويه
dc.subject.lcsh Sibawayh, Amr ibn Uthman, 8th cent. Kitāb Sībawayh
dc.subject.lcsh اللغة العربية -- قواعد
dc.subject.lcsh اللغة العربية -- تاريخ
dc.subject.lcsh اللسانيات -- البلدان العربية
dc.subject.lcsh Arabic language -- Grammar
dc.subject.lcsh Arabic language -- History
dc.subject.lcsh Linguistics -- Arab countries
dc.title دورا المتكلّم والمخاطب في التواصل الشفهيّ في كتاب سيبويه وأثرهما في تطوّر التراث النحويّ حتّى القرن الرابع
dc.title.alternative The Role of the Speaker and the Listener in Sībawayhi’s Kitāb and Its Impact on the Development of the Arabic Grammatical Tradition until the 4th Century A.H.
dc.type Dissertation
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Arts and Sciences
dc.contributor.department Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Languages
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut

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