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Lebanon Protests : OTV Lebanon Tweets

Show simple item record 2020-01-02T14:23:23Z 2020-01-02T14:23:23Z 2019-10
dc.identifier.citation OTV Lebanon (2019). Twitter Data [Data file]. Retrieved by AUB Libraries from
dc.description OTV Lebanon tweets and re-tweets covering a period starting from October 16, 2019. The zipped folder includes: 1- a csv file listing the tweets date and timestamp, the tweet itself, the number of replies, the number of likes and a link to the media file (image or video) when included in the tweet.. 2- all media files : images (.jpg) and videos (.mp4). 3- a text file containing direct link to the tweets on twitter.
dc.description.abstract Collection of tweets for research purposes published by OTV Lebanon News Twitter page (@OTVLebanon) during the events of October 17 revolt.Their website:
dc.language.iso ar
dc.publisher OTV Lebanon
dc.title Lebanon Protests : OTV Lebanon Tweets
dc.type Dataset

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