هذا البحث نتاج قراءات متعدّدة في علم المعاني، واهتمامات مركّزة حول التراكيب اللغويّة للأديب والشاعر ومدى دلالتها على خبر عقله وتصويرها حركةَ فكره ونوازع نفسه ومواجد قلبه. وهو دراسة بلاغيّة تطبيقيّة لمقرّرات البلاغيّين في مبحث الفصل والوصل على شعر الأخطل الكبير غياث بن غوث التغلبيّ، وقد جاء في فصلين: الفصل الأوّل هو دراسة نظريّة لقواعد الف
This thesis is a study of conjunction and disjunction between sentences (al-faṣl wa-l-waṣl) in al-Akhṭal al-Kabīr’s poetry. This rhetorical study consists of two chapters: the first is a theoretical study of (al-faṣl wa-l-waṣl), which concentrates on comparing three grammarians (Sībawayhi, al-Farrāʾ, and al-Mubarrad) with three rhetoricians (al-Jurjānī, al-Sakkākī, and al-Qazwīnī). This chapter explores the strong relationship between syntax and rhetoric, identifying how the scholars of rhetoric benefited from the work of earlier grammarians. Further, it is argued that the rhetoricians were not only interested in the study of the syntactical structure but also in the study of meaning and the meaning of the meaning. The second chapter focuses on the use of conjunction and disjunction between sentences in al-Akhṭal al-Kabīr’s poetry by applying the rhetorical rules for this type of speech. The first goal of this chapter is to reveal the syntactical properties of al-Akhṭal’s poetry in order to provide a full linguistic account of his style and how this usage depicts his thoughts and feelings. The second goal is to examine the traditional rhetorical rules in order to determine the extent to which they correspond to al-Akhṭal’s usage. This second chapter then discusses several problematic issues related to the traditional categories of (al-faṣl wa-l-waṣl) and replace the possibility of their modification.