تعالج هذه الرسالةُ الظواهرَ الدّالّة على الحكمة في كتاب الخصائص لابن جنّي (تـــ 392 هـ) من خلال دراسة مصطلحاته ومفاهيمه وأسلوبه في التحليل اللغويّ ومقاربة أصول النحو العربيّ. والمقصود بـ الحكمة الغرض من اختيار المتكلّم العربيّ لفظًا دون غيره من الألفاظ في وضع أو سياق معيّن. وإذا توسّعنا في البحث عن مفهوم الحكمة عند اللغويّين، وجدناه كامنًا في أق
The concept of ḥikma (wisdom) is prevalent in the Arabic Grammar Tradition. In fact, the first text related to this concept is attributed to al-Khalīl bin Aḥmad (d. 175-791) and refers to a similie of a house that has several features, each of which indicate the wisdom behind its architecture. Similarly, the grammarians were interested in demonstrating the elements that prove the wisdom of the wāḍiʿ, i.e., the supposed originator of the language. Nowhere in the tradition is the concept of ḥikma more apparent than in Kitāb al-Khaṣāʼis by Ibn Jinnī (d. 392-1002), who strives in almost every chapter to demonstrate how the intricate features of Arabic and its idiosyncrasies reflect the wisdom behind its usage. This is apparent on his vivid discussion of the phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic issues. This study is divided into three chapters, all of which pertain to ḥikma in the linguistic tradition. The first chapter traces the elements of ḥikma from the second-eighth century until the fourth-tenth century in the works of both grammarians and lexicographers. The second chapter deals with Ibn Jinnī’s approach to matters related to ḥikma in the various aspects of grammar in its broadest sense. Finally, chapter three focuses on selected texts from al-Khaṣāʼis, and interprets them in a manner that reveals the underlying ḥikma which Ibn Jinnī tries to highlight.