With the recent technological advancements in vehicular communication, vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) have been intensively studied for being a promising approach for reliable dissemination of safety-related messages. VANET who became a key component of the intelligent transportation systems (ITS) will provide a safety environment through early vehicle detection/ collision avoidance systems, cooperative driving and periodic updates on road conditions. The timely exchange of safety information among cars in VANET is of utmost importance. In this context, this thesis provides a mechanism for safety information dissemination that takes into consideration the criticality of the exchanged messages and the optimized usage of uplink and downlink resource in a TDD-LTE framework. vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and infrastructure-to-infrastructure (I2I) are the main communication techniques deployed in VANET. In this thesis, the main idea is to employ V2V and V2I communications where both systems will cooperate in order to reach the goal which is drivers’ safety. Based on several criteria the communication might be between: (i) I2I communication only, (ii) V2V only, (iii) V2I only, (iv) adaptive V2V-V2I-I2I communication. The main significance of the proposed work is the reconfigurability of the message dissemination architecture based on the actual VANET configuration, traffic conditions, and criticality of messages being relayed. To improve the message delivery process, we used a dynamic LTE resource allocation in which the number of uplink and downlink slots will be set differently every single time based on the joint consideration of traffic volumes and quality of service requirements (delay, rate) in the uplink and downlink. We implemented the proposed work using python and evaluated its performance measuring different parameters. The obtained results are very promising.