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We Need to Talk About

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dc.contributor.advisor Saikali, Maya Hasbini, Reina 2020-09-23T11:35:26Z 2020-09-23T11:35:26Z 9/23/2020
dc.description Maya Saikali, Fouad Mezher, Leila Musfi, Khajag Apelian, Mia Azar, Lina Ghaibeh and Hatem Imam
dc.description.abstract We Need to Talk About is a bilingual quarterly Lebanese magazine that reflects on social issues, voicing out individuals and communities that are often unheard. The different issues include: Sexual Harassment, Bullying, Nepotism, Domestic Violence, Gender Inequality, Sectarianism and Protesting. The first issue is Sexual Harassment. In our society, sexual harassment is often regarded as a taboo subject. Many people have been opening up recently and sharing their stories. Social media has also played a major role in spreading these stories and experiences, bringing survivors together and making them heard. An example of that was when a wave of people started sharing their stories on twitter, which pushed other people to share their own stories. The web is giving people a platform on which they can exchange thoughts and opinions freely. The law is being critisized by many after rejected and ignored lawsuits were brought to attention online. This is what drove me to launch my magazine with the first issue being Sexual Harassment. The issue aims to document, share, inform, educate and display content through threads and collections of information and images. Through this magazine, I aim to create a narrative with a long lasting effect.
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject Magazine, Sexual Harassment, Social Issues
dc.title We Need to Talk About
dc.type Student Project
dc.contributor.department Department of Architecture and Design
dc.contributor.faculty Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut

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