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Influence of Different Sports on the Taste Perception and Acceptability of a Commercial Sports Drink Among University Athlete Students

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dc.contributor.advisor Olabi, Ammar Daher, Jana 2020-09-23T17:55:55Z 2020-09-23T17:55:55Z 9/23/2020
dc.description Elie-Jacques Fares; Imad Toufeili; Samer Kharroubi; Ali Chalak
dc.description.abstract Sports drinks are essential in improving athletic performance through replenishing nutrients and electrolytes lost during physical activity. It has been previously suggested that the perception and acceptability of fluids is influenced by exercise and significantly varies between exercise and non-exercise situations. The study investigates the influence of different types of sports on the taste perception and acceptability of Gatorade, a commercial sports drink, before and after exercise. A sample of Gatorade – Red Orange Flavor was evaluated by 34 male university athletes (20 weightlifters, 14 runners) recruited from the American University of Beirut (AUB) at two time points: pre and post exercise. Urine samples collected from the participants 30 minutes before and immediately after exercising were analyzed to test for hydration. Sensory testing examined the change in the intensity of sweetness, saltiness, sourness, and the thirstquenching ability of the drink as well as its acceptability pre and post exercise with respect to the type of sport practiced. Participants were asked to rate their level of exertion and fatigue using a Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale immediately after exercising. Results indicated that the acceptability of the drink increased as the hydration status of the athletes decreased. No major change was found in the perception of the sensory attributes between exercise and non-exercise conditions. However, there were differences between the two sports groups in the ratings of the thirst-quenching ability of the drink where runners’ ratings increased after exercise while weightlifters’ ratings decreased after exercise. These findings suggest that exercise has a larger effect on the acceptability and overall liking of the beverage compared to other sensory attributes. An enhanced liking of the beverage is key for optimal replenishment of lost fluids and electrolytes after exercise.
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.title Influence of Different Sports on the Taste Perception and Acceptability of a Commercial Sports Drink Among University Athlete Students
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut

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