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War/Film Junkies: The Hollywoodization of the Lebanese Civil War

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dc.contributor.advisor Burris, Greg Chami, Talal Adel 2021-01-11T10:08:55Z 2021-01-11T10:08:55Z 1/11/2021
dc.description Greg Burris, Associate Professor of Media Studies, PhD; May Farah, Assistant Professor and Director of Media Studies PhD; Zeina Tarraf, Assistant Professor of Media Studies, PhD
dc.description.abstract In this project, I intend to explore some of the Lebanese Civil War militiamen’s war texts produced during the war that dissolve with Post-Vietnam American War films as amplified versions of hyper-masculinity. I argue that these war texts represent intensely Herculean war/film junkies or street stars –in highly visible and re-configured heterotopic-like settings of war, that underscore their hyper-masculine performances. With varying degrees, these war texts or visual representations of war signify hard-body militiamen who transform in Lacanian processes of identification and transmogrify to become the film heroes themselves, in displays of self-aggrandizement. All this suggests a revelatory idea: Post-Vietnam American war films, among other timely factors, led to the Hollywoodization of the Lebanese Civil War, which turned out to be its possible sequel.
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.subject Hypermasculinity-Lebanese Civil war militiamen-Vietnam war-Rambo films
dc.title War/Film Junkies: The Hollywoodization of the Lebanese Civil War
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Media Studies
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Arts and Sciences
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut

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