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Middle School Teachers Perception of Social Emotional Learning and Factors Affecting its Implementation

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dc.contributor.advisor El Hassan, Karma Assaad, Jana 2021-02-08T18:56:10Z 2021-02-08T18:56:10Z 2/8/2021
dc.description.abstract This thesis explored middle school teachers’ perceptions towards SEL in private schools in Beirut, Lebanon. The study consisted of 20 teacher participants, from 10 schools who teach social studies or literary curriculum. Teachers’ perceptions were collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews. The interview questions aimed to answer the three major themes that the research questions include: perception of SEL, SEL Benefits and factors affecting SEL implementation. These major themes were answered by the sub-themes that emerged from the interview data. The study revealed that teachers believe SEL is important and essential for social, emotional, and academic reasons: academic achievement, emotional well-being, and self-awareness. However, the study also revealed that believing that SEL is essential does not mean that teachers are willing to incorporate it in their classroom. Moreover, although there was somehow a lack of SEL in the sample of the selected schools, the lack of SEL integration did not mean lack of teachers’ use of strategies known as (informal practices). Finally, factors that hindered or facilitated SEL integration were explored.  
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject Social Emotional Learning ( SEL) , Teachers, Perceptions, Implementation, Factors
dc.title Middle School Teachers Perception of Social Emotional Learning and Factors Affecting its Implementation
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Department of Education
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Arts and Sciences
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut
dc.contributor.commembers Ghaith, Ghazi
dc.contributor.commembers Al Hroub, Anies

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