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Beirut: Beyond the built

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dc.contributor.advisor Kanaan, Joy
dc.contributor.advisor Samara Jubayli, Rana Saade, Clara 2021-05-28T09:39:15Z 2021-05-28T09:39:15Z 5/28/2021
dc.description.abstract My research questions the spatial and non-spatial manifestations of rebuilding Beirut after the blast. Notions of heritage are re-questioned, including not only the physical but also the social practices, which are the memories that remain. From there, I chose a site for its significance in relation to its neighborhood: Hanna Mitri in Achrafieh, the famous ice cream shop that partly collapsed due to the blast. My intervention aims at revitalizing the neighborhood by activating 3 plots, including the Hanna Mitri heritage building, in which a specialized cluster relating to the clothing industry functions. Following the tradition of building in Beirut, the project evolves with time. The central Hall typology is abstracted into a grid that is applied to the sites. From there, the program is plugged in, and the grid continues until the full FAR is exploited. The expansion then happens based on needs, as Beirutis used to do it, thus preserving the production of space. With this reverse process of building, the new typology leaves space for a vertical greenery to happen, bringing the public above ground.
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject Architecture, heritage, social practice, memory, Achrafieh
dc.title Beirut: Beyond the built
dc.type Student Project
dc.contributor.department Department of Architecture and Design
dc.contributor.faculty Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut

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