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On the Other Senses - Multisensory Inclusiveness

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dc.contributor.advisor Hassan, Sinan Deeb, Cynthia-Maria 2021-05-29T07:44:38Z 2021-05-29T07:44:38Z 2021-05-29
dc.description.abstract Within the discourse of experiential architecture, the design approach has been mainly exclusive, excluding the non-conventional senses, while stressing greatly on the visual sense. This visual bias has been resulting in the consequent disappearance of sensory qualities in architecture which in turn are affecting a person’s experience and perception of the built environment. The thesis focuses on achieving a more optimal and inclusive multisensory experience to fully sensualize architecture through integrating all the sensory realms rather than just the prevailing visual one. Through ample experimentations, evaluations, and a matrix of analysis, the project unfolds into an architectural winery pavilion providing the most possibility and flexibility to incorporate and engage all of the senses. The design and experiential architectural spaces have been studied in a way to trigger all the senses allowing for an optimized, inclusive, multisensory, architectural inclusiveness.
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.subject Senses
dc.subject Multisensory
dc.subject Winery Pavilion
dc.subject Winery
dc.subject Pavilion
dc.subject Wine
dc.subject Ksara
dc.subject Bekaa
dc.subject Vineyard
dc.subject Proprioception
dc.subject Vestibular
dc.subject Five senses
dc.subject Vertigo
dc.title On the Other Senses - Multisensory Inclusiveness
dc.type Student Project
dc.contributor.department Department of Architecture and Design
dc.contributor.faculty Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture

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