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Designing a New Identity for the Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music

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dc.contributor.advisor Abedini, Reza
dc.contributor.advisor Mismar, Omar Khoury, Myriam 2021-05-29T11:08:26Z 2021-05-29T11:08:26Z 5/29/2021
dc.description.abstract The Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music is a national educational entity in Lebanon. It has fifteen branches, seven musical departments and two national orchestras. The identity aims to reinforce the institutions’ mission to democratize music education, to conserve the local musical heritage and to spread music with branches and concerts all over Lebanon. It is based on a dichotomy inherent to music: a contrast between strict discipline and raw human emotion, through a geometric and organic visual language. The project aims to revive and open up the institution, while giving distinct sub-identities to the Lebanese Philharmonic Orchestra and the Lebanese Oriental Orchestra. It also expands through various applications such as stationery, posters, communication, social media and way-finding.
dc.language.iso en
dc.title Designing a New Identity for the Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music
dc.type Student Project
dc.contributor.department Department of Architecture and Design
dc.contributor.faculty Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut

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