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A Comparative Study of a Protected Area and a Biosphere Reserve in Lebanon

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dc.contributor.advisor Talhouk, Salma Ekmekji, Rhea 2021-07-29T11:42:11Z 2021-07-29T11:42:11Z 7/29/2021 7/29/2021
dc.description.abstract Human survival and evolution are directly and indirectly dependent on biodiversity conservation and the different ecosystem services that assure the wellbeing of people. Protected areas and biosphere reserves are two land conservation approaches that were developed independently by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) respectively. Both land conservation approaches are adopted by countries all over the world and aim at protecting biodiversity, providing clean air and water as well as protecting the environment from natural disasters caused by climate change. Lebanon, like many countries, has established protected areas and biosphere reserves to conserve its biodiversity. This study looks at two case studies, a protected area – Horsh Ehden – and a biosphere reserve - Jabal Moussa - to develop an understanding of how these were established, their history, governance structure and their current state. In depth interviews were conducted following a stakeholder analysis and desk research. The research findings revealed similarities and differences between the case study protected area and biosphere reserve at the level of governance structure, land ownership, and government oversight. In addition, the study explains similarities and differences in criteria to be considered when establishing a biosphere reserve or a protected area. The findings of this study may inform, and guide policy makers, civil society, and local communities interested in land conservation.
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.subject Conservation
dc.subject IUCN Protected Areas
dc.subject UNESCO Biosphere Reserves
dc.title A Comparative Study of a Protected Area and a Biosphere Reserve in Lebanon
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Department of Landscape Design and Ecosystem Management
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut
dc.contributor.commembers Zurayk, Rami
dc.contributor.commembers Chaaban, Jad MS
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 201600001

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