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Pricing and Inventory Decisions for an Assortment Under EOQ Supply and Logit Demand

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dc.contributor.advisor Maddah, Bacel Alameddine, Reem 2021-09-15T13:24:50Z 2021-09-15T13:24:50Z 9/15/2021 9/15/2021
dc.description.abstract The topic of pricing and revenue optimization is receiving increasing interest as time evolves, especially in the retailing field. With the advance in technology comes an increase of sophistication in the algorithms used for pricing and related decisions in retail operations. The increasingly quantitative approaches adopted by researchers of the retailing field aims to incorporate and integrate retail data with emerging technologies. The retailer’s profit is tightly tied to three main decisions: pricing, inventory (shelf) and assortment. Determining prices and assortment is typically the main concern of the marketing department of a firm, while the operations department handles ordering from suppliers and stocking decisions. This paper takes an integrative view, in-line with the modern paradigm in the literature, and jointly analyzes pricing and inventory decisions for a given assortment of substitutable products. The demand is based on a multinomial logit consumer choice which is highly effective in capturing real-world consumer’s behavior. The supply framework adopted is that of the EOQ (Economic Ordering Quantity) model which exploits the balance between economies of scales in ordering and inventory financing cost.
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.subject Revenue Optimization
dc.subject Multinomial Logit Model
dc.subject Economic Order Quantity
dc.subject Pricing
dc.subject Inventory Decisions
dc.title Pricing and Inventory Decisions for an Assortment Under EOQ Supply and Logit Demand
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Department of Computational Science
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Arts and Sciences
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut
dc.contributor.commembers Tarhini, Hussein
dc.contributor.commembers Salameh, Moueen MS
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 201724247

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