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Land Cover/ Land-Use Change In The Rural-Urban Continuum: A Case Study In The Shuf Region, Lebanon

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dc.contributor.advisor Zurayk, Rami Zeid, Maya Bassam 2021-09-16T05:25:23Z 2021-09-16T05:25:23Z 9/16/2021 9/16/2021
dc.description.abstract A significant change is being observed in the world’s land cover layer. Rural areas are undergoing a rapid transformation as they are developing. The following research paper will be discussing the different spatial rural-urban (Rurban) forms and models indicating the rural-urban linkages. This work describes the land cover change in the rural-urban continuum in the Shuf district and 3 Shuf villages (Baakline, Gharifeh and Batloun). Gonçalves et. al, 2017 and the Finnish classification methodologies were adopted to derive and typify the typologies and define the regional classes of the 3 Shuf villages. Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to map and analyze the land cover transformations occurring in the 3 Shuf villages (Baakline, Gharifeh and Batloun) between 1998, 2010 and 2017. Based on the GIS analysis, we observed a decrease in the agricultural and natural element covers and an increase in the urban cover. Thus, the predominant types of spatial formation in the rural urban continuum (RUC) of the selected areas of Shuf are Urban Implosion and Rural Urbanization. The 3 villages fall within the Intermediate Zone class and the rural heartlands areas.
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject Rural-Urban Continuum
dc.subject Rural-Urban Linkages
dc.subject Rural-Urban Regional Classification
dc.subject Land Cover and Land Use Change
dc.title Land Cover/ Land-Use Change In The Rural-Urban Continuum: A Case Study In The Shuf Region, Lebanon
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Interfaculty Graduate Environmental Sciences Program (Ecosystem Management)
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut
dc.contributor.commembers Abunnasr, Yaser
dc.contributor.commembers Alameddine, Ibrahim MS
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 201300615

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