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From Urban Sprawl to an Urban Quarter: Al-Hosh (1997-2019) as Case Study

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dc.contributor.advisor Fawaz, Mona Madi, Noura Chawki 2021-09-16T09:14:20Z 2021-09-16T09:14:20Z 9/16/2021 9/16/2021
dc.description.abstract This thesis seeks to investigate the possible transformation of the area of Al-Hosh (Tyre Caza, Lebanon) from an undefined sprawl extending over the jurisdiction of two towns (Ain Baal and Burj El-Chemali) to a consolidated suburban district with an integrated jurisdiction and a clear identity. To this end, the thesis begins by tracing the factors that led to the formation of an early suburban sprawl that hosted families from the nearby city of Tyre as well as Ain Baal and Burj El-Chemali. The thesis traces the historical development of the area and profiles its current physical and social conditions. In order to understand better the drivers behind this sprawl, the research further profiled 14 developers who have worked in the area. The thesis found that the neighborhood's role has shifted over the past 20 years, going from the area where illegal dense "spill over" is possible to the attractive and quiet area for suburban villas and finally the zone attracting commercial developments that respond primarily to the investment needs of well-off Lebanese Shiaa working in Africa and looking to place their money in real estate. Constantly, the area has acquired a relatively high rate of vacancy (30-40%) and changed the quality of its buildings. In order to counter the ongoing trend and avoid additional spill over development over agricultural areas, the thesis proposes an integrated strategic planning framework that can bring on board the critical actors behind the development of this area (i.e., developers) while protecting the environment and preventing additional spill overs. The thesis is based on detailed fieldwork and interviews in Al-Hosh that I conducted in Fall 2020/Winter 2021.
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject Secondary Lebanese cities
dc.subject The Caza of Tyre
dc.subject Al-Hosh
dc.subject Urban Sprawl
dc.subject Urban Quarter
dc.title From Urban Sprawl to an Urban Quarter: Al-Hosh (1997-2019) as Case Study
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Department of Architecture and Design
dc.contributor.faculty Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut
dc.contributor.commembers Makhzoumi, Jala
dc.contributor.commembers Zurayk, Rami MS
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 201924654

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