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Local NGOs: Attending to the Needs of Rural Youth or Implementing Ready-Made Projects?

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dc.contributor.advisor Chalak, Ali Alkhansa, Hikmat Jamil 2021-09-20T11:12:21Z 2021-09-20T11:12:21Z 9/20/2021 9/20/2021
dc.description.abstract Rural youth comprise the highest percentages of total youth and a substantial portion of the population in developing countries that rely majorly on the agro-food industry for employment. They are not prioritized by many states’ developmental programs in LIDCs due to shortage in resources despite them being an integral part of these countries. Rural youth developmental needs ranging from health, education, capacity building, to employment are neglected by the governments and so, NGOs had to fill these gaps. The research shows that despite NGOs’ intentions and efforts in fulfilling the needs of rural youth in developing countries, they fail to address major challenges still faced by youth today such as skill mismatch and securing employment. In Lebanon, the services provided by NGOs are effective most of the time according to the reports, but the long-term success and sustainability are not measured or sometimes even taken into consideration when designing and planning projects. The research targeted rural areas in Lebanon, mainly North Beqaa, Mount Lebanon, Southern and Northern areas in Lebanon. A total of twenty NGOs representatives and ninety-eight youth participated in the study. The findings show that NGOs in Lebanon address many of the needs of rural youth through the various development projects implemented but it is not done comprehensively, effectively, or sustainably. This research is based on qualitative research methodology that aims to give voice to rural youth in Lebanon for them to state their actual needs to have a better living. At the same time, it can serve an eye opener to some NGOs that are planning new development projects for youth in Lebanon where they realize that their work can be more effective if youth’s needs are researched properly and centralized in the project design and implementation.
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject NGOs
dc.subject Youth
dc.subject Needs
dc.subject Success
dc.subject Sustainability
dc.subject Long-Lasting Impact
dc.subject Rural Development
dc.subject Development Projects
dc.subject Agriculture
dc.subject Employment
dc.subject Lebanon
dc.title Local NGOs: Attending to the Needs of Rural Youth or Implementing Ready-Made Projects?
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Department of Agriculture
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut
dc.contributor.commembers Martiniello, Giuliano
dc.contributor.commembers Geha, Carmen MS
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 201821254

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