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The Educational Philosophy Underlying Iran's Reform Documents: A Question of Coherence

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dc.contributor.advisor Amin, Tamer Pourbagher, Fatemeh Shahram 2022-02-07T11:20:31Z 2022-02-07T11:20:31Z 2022-02-07 2022-02-07
dc.description.abstract The aim of this study is to determine the logical structure and level of coherence of the Iranian educational philosophy underlying its reform documents. The study uses a mixed methods approach to address the two research questions: (1) What is the internal logical structure of the philosophy of education underlying the reform documents? (2) What is the state of coherence of this philosophy? Data was collected from the three core reform documents - the “Theoretical Foundations” document, the “Fundamental Reform Document of Education,” and the “National Curriculum - and was analyzed using Frankena’s model for analyzing philosophies of education. Findings suggest that the educational philosophy within Iran’s educational reform documents holds a logical structure that is primarily theoretical, and its coherence level is assessed at a “medium.” The results indicate a satiated foundational base and a lack of coherence in the First Basic Competency where goal, foundational, and strategy statements are not connected to each other enough, hence the mediocre level of coherence. The philosophy’s incoherence was mostly characterized by high levels of implicit statements, improper combinations of statements, vague language, and redundancy of statements. Aside from issues related directly to the logical flow of statements, there were issues in consistency of terms across documents and as well as organizational issues. Ultimately, the results show that the statements of the philosophy, within the scope of the First Basic Competency, are only partially coherent and lack their practical aspect. Recommendations developed based on the study can guide practitioners that design, implement and evaluate the reform programs in Iran’s reform endeavor. The case adds to the growing body of literature on coherence in educational reform by providing an analysis of educational philosophy underlying the reform process in Iran.
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.subject Coherence
dc.subject philosophy of education
dc.subject Frankena's framework
dc.subject Iran
dc.subject Reform
dc.title The Educational Philosophy Underlying Iran's Reform Documents: A Question of Coherence
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Education, Educational Administration and Policy Studies (EAPS)
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Arts and Sciences
dc.contributor.commembers Karami, Rima
dc.contributor.commembers Khalil, Lina
dc.contributor.commembers Noaparast, Khosrow Bagheri MA
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 201102103

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