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The Potential of Multi-Functional Agriculture in Lebanon’s Rural Areas

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dc.contributor.advisor Chalak, Ali Al Zayat, Sara 2022-05-18T10:04:58Z 2022-05-18T10:04:58Z 5/18/2022 5/12/2022
dc.description.abstract Rural areas in Lebanon are facing several challenges in the agriculture and tourism sectors. The agriculture sector is responsible for a bulk of rural employment and is considered a major contributor to food and nutritional security. However, the farmers are facing challenges relating to production, marketing their products and lack of full-time farmers. Furthermore, rural areas lack proper infrastructure for tourism and the existing tourism activities are increasing the stress on the natural resources. Consequently, the adoption of pro-poor multi-functional agriculture would promote local tourism, empower farmers, revive the rural communities, promote sustainable agriculture, and primarily enhance the livelihoods of the poor. Accordingly, this research will help in understanding the challenges facing farmers in the Lebanese rural areas and explore the potential of multi-functionality. A qualitative approach was used in this study using semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with key informants and stakeholders (MoE, MoA, MoT, two NBTOs, five municipalities and two NGOs) in addition to 23 Family Farmers. For the recruitment, snowball sampling technique and searching for contact information online was used. The data attained was analyzed using thematic analysis and identifying themes and sub-themes. The main result sections were as follows: relationship with the agricultural land/village, existing forms of MFA, challenges related to MFA, effects of the Lebanese economic crises on MFA, opportunities related to MFA, recommendations of family farmers and key stakeholders and the perception of NBTOs. The family farmers are facing various challenges related to agriculture, especially financial difficulties related to agricultural production and the lack of governmental support. However, this has pushed them to adopt new cost-effective strategies which are less harmful to the environment. Also, it has been observed that due to the economic crises, people are coming back to the agricultural lands and realizing the potential between agriculture and tourism.
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject multi-functionality
dc.subject multi-functional agriculture
dc.subject agriculture
dc.subject agri-tourism
dc.subject rural tourism
dc.subject rural areas
dc.subject Lebanon's Rural Areas
dc.subject Shouf
dc.subject Shouf Biosphere Reserve
dc.title The Potential of Multi-Functional Agriculture in Lebanon’s Rural Areas
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Rural Community Development Program
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut
dc.contributor.commembers Chedid, Mabelle
dc.contributor.commembers Talhouk, Salma
dc.contributor.commembers Hamadeh, Shady MS
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 201606160

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