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A Systematized Review of the Contribution of Social Networks to Agroecological Knowledge Transfer in Farming Communities

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dc.contributor.advisor Zurayk, Rami Israel, Tracy Pierre 2022-09-16T09:34:45Z 2022-09-16T09:34:45Z 9/16/2022 9/15/2022
dc.description.abstract The impact of human actions on the environment is enormous, it reached a planetary scale. One of the solutions proposed for solving the unsustainability of global agriculture and food systems is agroecology. Human behavior is a driving force for environmental change. Since social networks are primary channels of information flow between humans and profoundly affect human behavior; it is important to explore their impact and linkages to agroecology and knowledge transfer. Therefore, this study aims to assess the contribution of social networks in agroecological information transfer in farming communities using a systematized review that explored three different databases. Results showed that social networks are vehicles that transmit knowledge, nonetheless it is important to recognize what type of knowledge is transmitted and who are the powerful actors that initiate this process. Moreover, the farmers’ characteristics, motivation and vision could also affect knowledge acquisition. Finally, it is important to highlight a theme that appeared throughout this paper: asymmetric power relation and inequality. This was present in different levels, whether between different actors (individuals and institutions) in the networks or between countries. In order to transmit agroecological knowledge different engagement level should be present: individual, community, national and international.
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.subject Farmer
dc.subject knowledge transfer
dc.subject social network
dc.subject agroecology
dc.title A Systematized Review of the Contribution of Social Networks to Agroecological Knowledge Transfer in Farming Communities
dc.type Student Project
dc.contributor.department Rural Community Development Program
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
dc.contributor.institution American University of Beirut
dc.contributor.commembers Zurayk, Rami
dc.contributor.commembers Chalak, Ali MS
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 202123452

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