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Attitudinal Incongruence Towards Gender Roles, Unequal Division of Labor, Relationship Problems, and Communication Quality as Predictors of Couples’ Relationship Satisfaction in Lebanon

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dc.contributor.advisor Badaan, Vivienne Mechleb, Chloé 2023-09-05T05:22:58Z 2023-09-05T05:22:58Z 2023-09-05 2023-09-04
dc.description.abstract Romanic relationships in Lebanon are embedded in patriarchal social structures that manifest themselves in various relational dimensions (Alami, 2021; Allouche, 2019; Joseph, 1993; Oghia, 2012; Tlaiss, 2022). The present study explored predictors of relationship satisfaction in heterosexual couples residing in Lebanon, including gendered dynamics such as gender role attitude incongruence, division of labor inequality, as well as relationship problems and communication quality. It was hypothesized that incongruent gender role attitudes, unequal division of labor, and relationship problems will negatively predict relationship satisfaction, but that positive communication quality will turn out to be a positive predictor. In addition, positive communication quality was expected to buffer the influence of negative predictors on relationship satisfaction. The sample included 103 couples who have been together for at least six months. Participants filled out an online survey measuring the variables of interest along with various sociodemographic characteristics. Contrary to expectations, attitudinal incongruence towards gender roles and inequality in the division of labor did not correlate with relationship satisfaction. As a result, a hierarchical multiple regression was conducted with relationship satisfaction as outcome, and couples’ average age and education as well as relationship problems and communication quality as predictors. Furthermore, the mediation effect of communication quality on the negative association between relationship problems and relationship satisfaction was examined. Relationship problems were found to be a negative predictor of relationship satisfaction, while positive communication quality emerged as a positive predictor. Additionally, positive communication partially mediated the relationship between problems and satisfaction, buffering against the negative impact of relationship problems on relationship satisfaction. Accordingly, implications of these findings, considerations for the limitations, and suggestions for future research, are discussed.
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject relationship satisfaction, gender roles attitudes, division of labor, relationship problems, communication quality, attitudinal incongruence, inequality, couples
dc.title Attitudinal Incongruence Towards Gender Roles, Unequal Division of Labor, Relationship Problems, and Communication Quality as Predictors of Couples’ Relationship Satisfaction in Lebanon
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Department of Psychology
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Arts and Sciences
dc.contributor.commembers Ayoub, Mona
dc.contributor.commembers Saade, Sabine Master of Arts
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 202123559

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