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Keeping Solidarities at Bay: The European Union’s Systematic Obstruction of Civilian Search and Rescue Organizations in the Central Mediterranean Sea between 2016 and 2023

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dc.contributor.advisor Kosmatopoulos, Nikolas Klipstein, Gesine 2023-09-12T07:11:05Z 2023-09-12T07:11:05Z 2023-09-12 2023-09-07
dc.description.abstract This master’s thesis critically analyzes the increasingly adversarial stance adopted by state actors within the European Union (EU) towards Search and Rescue Civil Society Organizations (SAR CSOs) operating in the Central Mediterranean between 2016 and 2023. Rooted in the theoretical frameworks of politicization, securitization, criminalization, and techno-morality, this study further examines the intricate mechanisms that drive the EU's deterrence policies vis-à-vis migrants and pro-migrant CSOs. By analyzing the cases of three different SAR CSOs, namely Jugend Rettet, Sea-Watch, and Sea-Eye, this thesis reveals the multifaceted nature of the EU's obstructionist measures aimed at their solidarity work, primarily through the detention of rescue vessels. The instruments of insecurity employed by the EU against these SAR CSOs include bureaucratic techniques, arbitrary policing and legal tactics. The impact of the EU’s arbitrary detention of SAR vessels is examined in detail, revealing their far-reaching effects in undermining civil society initiatives and hampering life-saving operations at sea. By introducing the innovative SAR Ship Detention Map, this research then provides a concrete visual representation of the recurring obstacles faced by SAR CSOs due to the actions of EU Member States. The purpose of this visualization is not only to increase understanding and awareness, but also to serve as a long-term resource for SAR CSOs beyond this thesis.
dc.language.iso en_US
dc.subject civil society
dc.subject solidarity
dc.subject search and rescue
dc.subject Mediterranean
dc.subject European Union
dc.subject migration
dc.subject international law
dc.subject human rights violations
dc.subject search and rescue civil society organizations
dc.subject securitization
dc.subject politicization
dc.subject criminalization
dc.subject deterrence
dc.subject politics of insecurity
dc.subject Sea-Watch
dc.subject Sea-Eye
dc.subject Jugend Rettet
dc.title Keeping Solidarities at Bay: The European Union’s Systematic Obstruction of Civilian Search and Rescue Organizations in the Central Mediterranean Sea between 2016 and 2023
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Faculty of Arts and Sciences
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Arts and Sciences
dc.contributor.commembers Hindawi, Coralie Pison
dc.contributor.commembers Makdisi, Karim Master of Arts
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 202024110

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