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Unveiling Media Implications: Examining Change in State-Citizen Dynamics During the Lebanese 2019 October Protests

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dc.contributor.advisor Geujkian, Ohannes Saleh, Aya 2024-02-05T08:05:13Z 2024-02-05T08:05:13Z 2024-02-05 2024-02-02
dc.description.abstract In 2019, Lebanon witnessed a pivotal moment in its history as a series of protests erupted in the name of reform, expressing widespread discontent with corruption, economic instability, and sectarianism, and eventually led to a shift in Lebanese political, social, and economic perceptions. Media played an essential role in the uprisings, simultaneously shaping the dynamics between the state and the citizens. As mainstream media dominate the discourse, alternative media emerged as a powerful tool in amplifying citizens' voices, fostering a sense of unity, and challenging existing power structures. This study investigates the multifaceted ways in which media narratives influenced state-citizen relationships, from promoting transparency and accountability to navigating challenges such as misinformation and polarization. Employing qualitative methodology alongside content analysis as the method within the qualitative framework will allow to investigate how did the October protests challenge state-citizen relationships from a freedom of speech perspective. The research aims to investigate how media discourse in Lebanese society was re-ignited with the October 17 protests providing a comprehensive overview of the October protests and their transformative impact on Lebanon's socio-political landscape through the lens of media dynamics.
dc.language.iso en
dc.subject Protests
dc.subject Reform
dc.subject Corruption
dc.subject Economic instability
dc.subject Sectarianism
dc.subject Media
dc.subject State
dc.subject Citizens
dc.subject Accountability
dc.subject State-citizen relationships
dc.subject Freedom of speech
dc.subject.lcsh Protest movements
dc.title Unveiling Media Implications: Examining Change in State-Citizen Dynamics During the Lebanese 2019 October Protests
dc.type Thesis
dc.contributor.department Department of Political Studies and Public Administration
dc.contributor.faculty Faculty of Arts and Sciences
dc.contributor.commembers Khashan, Hilal
dc.contributor.commembers Haddad, Tania MA
dc.contributor.AUBidnumber 202221233

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